Cultivating the seeds – What is next?
Following up on the working groups
During the seminar 3 working groups were formed. Some of the proposals have been put into practice:
Bush regeneration group
- An exchange of information in bush regeneration/revegetation techniques through letters and e-mails is happening.
Reserves management group
- An exchange of information in conservation areas management has been done. Environmental management plans from Willoughby City Council were sent to Brazil.
- A letter was sent to Jurerê Internacional reinforcing the need of a great protection of the Olandi-Jurerê Reserve.
Interchange and communication group
- A webpage regarding the Brasil/Australia exchange was established in 2002 –
- It has been an exchange of e-mails and letters among those who participated in the seminar.
- A poster presentation (anchor to the poster abstract in this page) regarding the Brasil/Australia exchange will be held in Darwin at the Landcare Conference (link to – April 2003
- Possibility of information and experience exchange with different countries (i.e. China).
Last Seminar
Held in October 2004 in Florianópolis, Brazil.
Last Meeting
In March 2005 the ongoing interchange process (link to the Conference Paper – a PDF Document) was presented at the Beyond Declaratios: Working Partnerships for Sustainability National Conferece by a representative from Instituto Ambiental Ratones and a representative from Willoughby City Council.
Abstract for Poster Presentation
Sharing knowledge in ecosystem restoration: generating a unique collaboration between Australia and Brazil. Bernhard, A.; Scherer-Widmer, M.; Hayes, R.; Brodie, L.
Volunteers, bush regenerators and members of the local community from Australia and Brazil participated in a unique seminar on the island of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis – Brazil, in April 2002. Over 70 people attended the event, including professionals from the bush regeneration industry, TAFE and university lecturers, government staff, non-government organizations, students, and consultants. The seeds were planted for an ongoing exchange of information about restoration of degraded ecosystems due to weed invasion, deforestation and other land use. The group of Australians also visited other Brazilian examples of community planting projects and environmental education initiatives. This sharing of information is vital to increase the effectiveness of efforts made to preserve and restore ecosystems. The seminar was an inaugural step to establish a flow of ideas and experiences which can provide solutions to our shared environmental problems. A website – – was established to continue this process and the next step will be when Brazilians come for a return visit to Australia to see our projects first hand. The lessons of the Landcare movement are relevant in many parts of the world. This project has shown how worthwhile working and learning together at a grass roots level can be.